Centered on a ruthless family that rivals the Duttons on the hit TV show Yellowstone, the drama of the powerful Calder clan continues to rage in 1909 Montana. As the countryside explodes in violence, the Calder patriarch has the power to stop the destruction, though some believe Benteen Calder is only stoking the flames for his own gain. One man courageously straddles the divide...
That man is Blake Dollarhide, the ambitious young owner of Blue Moon's lumber mill. When Blake's spoiled half-brother takes advantage of the innocent daughter of a homesteading family, Blake steps in as Hanna Anderson's bridegroom to restore her honor and give her unborn child his name. But Blake doesn't count on the storm of feelings he develops for sweet Hanna. When the war between the factions rages anew, everyone wonders if Blake will stand by the close-knit community he serves, or the wife he took in name only...
A marriage of love is more than Hanna ever dreamed of. For her family, surviving the rugged trip west, claiming a parcel of land and planting their first crops on the vast prairie are the only things that matter. Which is why the unexpected passion she feels for her husband is all the more poignant. But even as she longs to trust the strong bond growing between her and Blake, Hanna knows it will take courage and grit to overcome the differences between them. And even greater strength of will to put down roots in this wild new country. Praise for The Calder Brand series debut "Dailey highlights the brutal reality of survival in the American West while building a sprawling, emotional love story. . . . Both fans and newcomers to Dailey's novels will be pleased."—Publishers Weekly on Calder Brand
Centered on a ruthless family that rivals the Duttons on the hit TV show Yellowstone, the drama of the powerful Calder clan continues to rage in 1909 Montana. As the countryside explodes in violence, the Calder patriarch has the power to stop the destruction, though some believe Benteen Calder is only stoking the flames for his own gain. One man courageously straddles the divide...
That man is Blake Dollarhide, the ambitious young owner of Blue Moon's lumber mill. When Blake's spoiled half-brother takes advantage of the innocent daughter of a homesteading family, Blake steps in as Hanna Anderson's bridegroom to restore her honor and give her unborn child his name. But Blake doesn't count on the storm of feelings he develops for sweet Hanna. When the war between the factions rages anew, everyone wonders if Blake will stand by the close-knit community he serves, or the wife he took in name only...
A marriage of love is more than Hanna ever dreamed of. For her family, surviving the rugged trip west, claiming a parcel of land and planting their first crops on the vast prairie are the only things that matter. Which is why the unexpected passion she feels for her husband is all the more poignant. But even as she longs to trust the strong bond growing between her and Blake, Hanna knows it will take courage and grit to overcome the differences between them. And even greater strength of will to put down roots in this wild new country. Praise for The Calder Brand series debut "Dailey highlights the brutal reality of survival in the American West while building a sprawling, emotional love story. . . . Both fans and newcomers to Dailey's novels will be pleased."—Publishers Weekly on Calder Brand
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