The issue is not too little information, but too much. In fact, there is so much research out there on toxins in our food, water, air and homes that one can completely lose track of where to begin and what action to take. Dr. Laurel J. Standley, a leading voice on environmental toxins, understands that the overabundance of information can completely overwhelm even the very intelligent. She wrote #TOXINS tweet to filter the information out there to bring you the most credible nuggets you need to transform your family's home into a healthier, safer environment.
#TOXINS tweet is organized into clear sections, by toxin category or source. Household cleaners, toxins associated with pet care, in-utero exposure...all these and more are covered in a clear, stepwise manner. In the lucid voice of an expert and in the tweetable format that invites immediate action, #TOXINS tweet helps you make personal choices on reducing exposure to a wide variety of toxins, ensuring better health for yourself, your family and your planet.
#TOXINS tweet is part of the THiNKaha series whose 112-page books contain 140 well-thought-out quotes (tweets/ahas).